5 Questions to Ask at Your Next Visit with Your Wethersfield Dentist

April 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolandental @ 11:31 pm

A woman thinking.

We’re used to thinking that our dentist is the person to talk to when getting all of our dental questions answered. However, that doesn’t mean that the rest of the dental staff, such as the hygienists, aren’t also a wealth of dental knowledge. Any questions you may have can easily be answered by them as well.

The next time you get your checkup and cleaning from your Wethersfield dentist, take advantage of the time you have with your hygienist and get these questions answered.

What’s the Best Way to Practice Oral Care at Home?

Every staff member at your dental practice knows the best way to practice oral care at home, regardless of age. Of course, some patients may need to brush more often than others, and your hygienist is more than prepared to help patients in that position. For example, patients who are pregnant or have traditional braces may need to be more diligent against plaque and gum disease.

Of course, if your hygienist notices that you aren’t brushing as well as you should, they can offer tips on how to improve. Even the most common habits can start to fade if we don’t practice them normally.

How Do I Check for Oral Cancer?

Recently, more young people are at risk of getting oral cancer, even if they don’t smoke or drink alcohol excessively. One of the biggest risk factors of oral cancer as of late has been the prevalence of HPV, a sexually-transmitted disease that’s very difficult to detect. In fact, people with HPV are 30 times more likely to develop oral cancer.

When you ask your hygienist for help on performing a self-exam, they can tell you how often you should check and what symptoms to look for, such as bumps, lumps, or other discolored patches in the mouth.

Why are My Teeth Feeling Sensitive?

It’s common for your hygienist to ask you if you have sensitive teeth, but they might not always bring it up. Telling them about your sensitivity will let them know to inform your dentist before you see them. Your hygienist can also give you advice on how to reduce tooth sensitivity throughout your day.

How Can I Keep My Teeth White?

If you’re tired of looking at your discolored teeth every morning, you can benefit from changing a few habits, as well as considering treatments recommended by your hygienist. They’ll be able to tell you which ones will work best for your case and give you tips on keeping your teeth white at home.

When Can I Book My Next Appointment?

The best way to keep your oral health in check is to visit your dentist every six months. The dental staff will be more than happy to help you remember to schedule your next appointment before you leave. Helping you maintain your oral health at home and in the office is one of their favorite parts of the job, so they just might remind you before you get the chance to ask!

According to your Wethersfield dentist, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed. Between your dentist and your hygienist, you’ll know everything you need to keep your smile bright and healthy. Don’t be shy and be sure to ask your hygienists these questions. Schedule an appointment with them today!

About the Author

Dr. Thomas Dolan earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the New York University College of Dentistry. After starting his practice, Dr. Dolan built a team of incredibly knowledgeable and dedicated hygienists, so you can stay informed and get the best care possible. To learn more about your dentist in Wethersfield, contact him at (860) 529-2000 or visit his website.