A Wethersfield Dentist Says a Healthy Mouth Equals a Healthy Body!

June 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolandental @ 6:23 pm

Woman eating an appleThe medical and dental fields are always evolving and researchers are constantly learning about new and interesting links between parts of the body that were once thought to be fairly unrelated. One great example is the many studies done in the last 20 years about the link between the mouth and the rest of the body. It turns out that taking great care of your mouth is a crucial part of overall self-care, which is important for helping you have a great quality of life. And a healthy mouth not only helps you avoid major dental work with a Wethersfield dentist, it also contributes to your good health. Learn more below!

How Is Your Oral Health Connected To Your Overall Health?

Your gums are more connected to your overall health than your teeth, but decayed teeth can still have health consequences. For example, if cavities become large enough, they could become serious infections. This can be dangerous if the infection spreads to other parts of the body.

As for the gums, most of the research on the mouth/body connection has focused on how they’re linked to the body.

Researchers have found a lot of evidence that gum disease increases your risk for all of the following:

  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy Complications
  • Certain Cancers

Fortunately, gum disease can be managed, which helps to reduce inflammation in both your mouth and body!

How Can You Improve Your Gum Health?

Here are some simple guidelines for healthy gums:

  • Get regular dental care – Routine checkups and cleanings are crucial to prevent, diagnose and treat gum disease.
  • Establish good hygiene – Brush for two minutes, twice a day and floss once. Anything that makes that easier (e.g., flossing after dinner instead of waiting until bedtime) is a good thing. And remember, you don’t have to be perfect. If you aim to floss every night but only do it 4-5 times each week, your body will still thank you!
  • Everything in moderation – Eating right is a struggle for everyone, but you don’t have to give up sugar completely – even just minimizing it will make a big difference. And make sure to include some fruits and vegetables each day, which contribute to healthy gums.

Remember, self-care is essential for a good quality of life – and taking good care of your teeth and gums is an important part of it!

About the Author

Dr. Thomas Dolan is an award-winning dentist in Wethersfield with over three decades’ experience. He’s seen how far the research on this topic has come in that time and always encourages his patients to take good care of their oral health so they can lead long, happy lives. If you have any questions, he can be reached via his website or at (860) 529-2000.