Restful Restoration: 3 Reasons to Soak Your Dentures at Night

February 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolandental @ 5:46 pm
Hand holding a glass of clear liquid with dentures

Dentures are the trusted method to rebuild your smile after tooth loss because they restore so much of your ability to eat and speak like you used to. Not only that, but they’re easy to use and it doesn’t usually take long for patients to adjust to wearing them. Many people find that they grow so accustomed to having dentures in their mouths that they forget they’re there. This can be risky in the evening after a long day because you might forget to remove your false teeth before bed, which can be harmful to them. Keep reading to learn 3 reasons why you should take your dentures out to soak them at night!

Reason #1: Dentures Are Porous

Although they appear to be completely solid to the naked eye, the truth is that dentures are typically made from acrylic which contains microscopic pores. These tiny grooves make wonderful hiding places for dangerous bacteria that can cause tooth decay in your remaining teeth. Plus, even if you have lost all of your pearly whites, these germs can cause oral health problems by contributing to gum disease. By soaking your dentures at night in a glass of water or a special solution, you rinse away these unwanted microbes.

Reason #2: Higher Bacteria Counts

Most older adults tend to have more bacteria in their mouths than the average person and it’s even worse for those with dentures. As you age, you produce less saliva, which is your mouth’s natural disinfectant. Without it, new populations of germs can establish themselves in your mouth and increase your risk of gum disease.

Thankfully, with the right solution, you can kill up to 99.9 percent of bacteria that gather on your dentures. Many brands have developed special soaking solutions intended to eradicate undesirable particles from the surface pores. Leaving your dentures to soak overnight both keeps them moist and eliminates toxic germs.

Reason #3: Your Gums Need Rest

Dentures consist of an acrylic base that suctions to your gums to stay put. After a day of having them in, especially if they’re somewhat loose, they may start to rub raw spots in the tender tissues inside your mouth. By removing your dentures while you sleep, you’ll give your mouth a much-needed break from the constant pressure of holding them in place. This also gives any blisters or sores a chance to heal.

If you have additional questions about caring for your dentures or would like input on the best products to use, give your dentist a call. They can provide recommendations to keep your false teeth sparkling fresh so that you can continue to make the most of them!

About the Practice

At Dolan Dental, patients benefit from two experts who provide a wide range of oral care services under one roof, including dentures. They have years of combined experience, and take the time to get to know you and your dental needs to provide individualized treatment plans. They have state-of-the-art technology onsite to enhance patient comfort and provide beautiful, long-lasting results. If you need help with your dentures, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (860) 529-2000.