Your Cosmetic Dentist in Wethersfield: Avoid Charcoal Toothpaste!

June 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolandental @ 6:56 pm

A tube of charcoal toothpaste being squeezed onto a toothbrush.As a way to appeal to patients interested in a more holistic approach to dentistry, oral care companies have been releasing alternative whitening toothpastes made with activated charcoal. These toothpastes claim they can whiten teeth naturally just as well as other whitening products, but your cosmetic dentist in Wethersfield doesn’t buy it.

In fact, he wanted to implore patients to avoid charcoal toothpaste at all costs for two main reasons: the lack of research supporting its claims and the permanent damage that can occur.

Little Evidence to Prove Its Effectiveness

While charcoal may have been used in the past, including by the wealthy and powerful rulers in ancient Greece, it doesn’t mean that it’s function rings true today. Due to charcoal’s growing popularity, the American Dental Association thought it would be worth releasing a scientific literature review in its peer-reviewed journal on the substance’s properties.

According to researchers in charge of the study, there was little evidence that activated charcoal, which claims to absorb toxins from the mouth, has any effect on preventing cavities or reducing oral bacteria. What’s even more concerning is the researchers couldn’t find any evidence that it was safe to use either, meaning well-intentioned consumers could be damaging their teeth permanently right now.

However, the lack of scientific evidence isn’t the only reason why your dentist can’t recommend activated charcoal toothpaste to patients.

How Charcoal Can Harm More Than Help

Your dentist understands that many whitening toothpastes already contain abrasives designed to remove surface stains from teeth. However, activated charcoal has the potential to be far more harmful to enamel because of the carcinogenic and clay material it uses. This material has not been approved by the ADA, so he can’t say with confidence if it’s safe to use in place of traditional whitening toothpastes.

His main concern is how it may affect already existing tooth enamel. If enamel wears away, it’s gone forever because of its nonregenerative properties. After enough use, it can wear enough enamel down and leave only the dentin behind. Since dentin is naturally yellow, you may actually worsen your stained teeth in the process.

While it’s possible your surface stains can be removed, it’s not worth it if your tooth enamel is put at risk.

Professional Treatments to Consider

If you’re trying to whiten teeth, you should always go with what’s been scientifically proven to whiten teeth safely and effectively. Great examples of this include in-office whitening and take-home whitening kits, which you can both get from your cosmetic dentist in Wethersfield.

  • In-Office Whitening: A fast and simple way to boost your smile up to eight shades using safe bleaching agents and filtered light for quick activation.
  • Take-Home Whitening Kits: Ideal for patients on the go who still want professional-grade ingredients for their whitening treatment.

When it comes to whitening, it’s never worth risking your tooth enamel over. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to learn how teeth whitening in Wethersfield should be done.

About the Author

Dr. Thomas C. Dolan has over 30 years of experience as a dentist. Ever since he earned his DDS degree from the New York University College of Dentistry, he’s taken a special interest in cosmetic dentistry and continuing his education on many different dental topics. To learn more about his practice or cosmetic procedures, contact him through his website.